I love these New Zealand beach blossoms. So do the honey bees. I can't remember ever seeing honey bees at the beach so this was a first for me. The bees were all over these flowers.
Although this image shows the bee in the middle of the flower, what happens is the bees land and begin to do whatever bees do in flowers. Pretty soon the bee has wiggled its way down into the center of the flower and looks almost buried because the stamen are so high and plentiful. It was fun to watch them but they just would not hold still for my camera. I got another surprise when I looked at this picture and discovered a tiny beach fly had landed on the flower just as the shutter snapped.
Now I just need a camera that also records the salt taste in the ocean air, the soft, rhythmic pounding of the ocean waves rolling onto the beach and the feel of warm sand between the toes......
iPhone 5 camera, Filterstorm cropping, saturation, curves and sharpness adjustments, PhotoStudio vignette and frame.
Beach Blossom Bee and Fly |