First time through the Charlotte airport on the way from sub-freezing Augusta to Orlando. Still so cold in Charlotte that I did not remove my coat during the two hour layover.
Riding this moving sidewalk I thought to myself "walk this way" and the quote:
"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." Albert Camus
By the way, this is the only place I have been where I remember ever seeing bathroom monitors in the restrooms. Men who greeted everyone who walked in, talked up a storm of positive conversations with the visitors, wiped up water drips on the counters, and pretty much kept the place spic and span and left the visitors with a positive experience with someone full of enthusiasm (and yes, people would stop and put tips in the tip jar). I left feeling better than when I walked in and not just physically....
Walk this way |
iPhone 6, ProCamera, Snapseed, PhotoStudio
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